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Senior Academic Administrator. The Chief Academic Officer (CAO), Dr. Stephen Waers, leads the academic division of Point University. He reports to the president, who reports to the Board of Trustees. The CAO serves on the president’s senior support team. His primary responsibility is to ensure alignment of every aspect of academic operations with the University mission and values, including programs, personnel, policies, facilities, and finances.

Five Colleges. Point has organized its faculty into five colleges focusing on particular academic fields or disciplines—namely, the (1) College of Arts & Sciences, (2) College of Biblical Studies & Ministry, (3) College of Business & Leadership, (4) College of Edu-cation, and (5) College of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Each college is led by a dean, who reports to the Chief Academic Officer. Within their respective colleges, the deans oversee faculty department chairs, who oversee program coordinators and remaining faculty. Faculty subject matter experts within each college oversee all academic programs related to their field, regardless of level (undergraduate or graduate), modality (on-ground, online, or hybrid), or location (main campus or other education sites).

Academic Programs and Organization. A full list of colleges, departments, and academic programs appears below (see next nine pages). For information concerning a given program or area, contact the appropriate dean, department chair, or program coordinator.

Student Support Services . A professional staff works alongside the faculty to provide various types of academic support services for faculty and students. Examples include registrar, library, technical, instructional design, enrollment, advising, tutoring, counseling, disability, financial, and administrative services.

University Academic Council. Decisions that affect only students within a given department or program are generally made at the department or college level (e.g. course curricula, practicum requirements). Decisions that require a broader “University perspective” are made by the University Academic Council (e.g. admission standards, academic calendar, General Education Core requirements, new program development). Chaired by the Chief Academic Officer (CAO), the University Academic Council (UAC) focuses primarily on issues related to educational programs, policies, assessment, quality control, and accreditation. The UAC is composed of the Chief Academic Officer as its chair, the college deans, academic administrators, and others as appointed by the CAO.