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Freedom of Thought. A key component of Point’s Christian mission is the recognition that the way of Christ is never coercive and does not employ compulsion or force. Although Point is a Christian institution, it welcomes all students regardless of their belief or religion. Furthermore, while the University provides ample opportunities for faith and spiritual formation, it does not require belief or adherence to a doctrinal standard or creed of any of its students. As with any institution of higher education, students may be exposed to new views or views with which they disagree. But, in keeping with the ethos of the pursuit of learning in higher education, Point does not require students to espouse any one view.  The Point University Honor Code (the residential student handbook) includes certain behavioral standards for residential students living on campus. Online students are only required to abide by academic policies and procedures specified in this catalog (e.g. no academic dishonesty/plagiarism). Above all, the University asks that all students treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of race, creed, or religion.

Spiritual Formation Goals. In accordance with its mission and goals, Point University promotes spiritual formation in its students, faculty, and staff. Spiritual formation includes being with Christ, becoming like Christ, and participating in the redemptive work of Christ. Point encourages all to confess “Jesus is Lord” and to live out that confession by growing in biblical knowledge, developing a Christian worldview, embracing Christian values, showing compassion, serving others, and applying their education in ways that impact the culture for Christ.

Point is focused on three important spiritual formation goals for students:

(1)   Every student will see community ministry as an essential part of what it means to say, “Jesus is Lord.” This will be seen in areas such as:

  • Concern for the poor

  • Concern for social justice

  • Seeing themselves first as citizens of God’s Kingdom;

  • Racial reconciliation

  • Concern for peacemaking, from personal disputes to world war

  • Concern for victims of economic disparity

  • Concern for educational issues such as literacy, high school dropout rates, and basic moral values

  • Concern for health issues such as unwed pregnancies, abortion rates, and AIDS

(2)  Every student at Point University will see the importance of integrating faith and vocation. This means that they strive to:

  • Practice the idea of the priesthood of all believers

  • See vocation, regardless of what it is, as mission

  • Learn how to effectively bear witness to their faith in any setting, without being overbearing

  • Learn in every course the relationship of the subject at hand to Christian faith

  • Ensure that no student graduates without having been exposed to the ideal of integration of faith and vocation

(3)  Some students at Point University will sense that they are called to ordained ministry. Thus, some will find themselves in:

  • Church settings as preachers, worship leaders, educational leaders, spiritual formation facilitators, student and children’s ministers, administrators, and in other roles;

  • Global settings as missionaries, campus ministers, church planters, relief workers, educators, health workers, and in other roles; and

  • Parachurch settings such as colleges, seminaries, camps, convalescent centers, orphanages, relief agencies, urban ministries, campus ministries, and other Kingdom endeavors.

The diagram below also highlights important aspects of spiritual maturity promoted by Point University.

Diagram of Spiritually Maturing Point Graduates

Character Formation. All Point bachelor’s degree programs include a 15-credit Character Formation Component. For on-ground baccalaureate students residing at Point’s main campus, the Character Formation Component takes the form of a 15-credit Biblical Studies Minor (or Biblical Studies Major). Online students fulfil this requirement by completing the Character Core, which consists of either (1) a Theological Track that emphasizes a biblical approach to these issues; (2) a Character Formation & Leadership Track focused on worldview and ethics; or (3) a customized track that combines elements of both.

Learning objectives and required courses for the Character Core and Biblical Studies Minor appear in this catalog under “Biblical Studies Department.” Point promotes faith integration throughout the curriculum.